So Ive just decided to try my hand at this blogging thing (and I'm only about a decade late, right? ) I'm not a particularly gifted writer but I figure this might be great catharsis and a way to preserve some of my existing relationships, lol... So let's begin at the beguine, shall we?
Sooooo, what's this blog about? First off, let me be clear about what it's not. This isn't a instrument to demonize men, women, or relationships. (I'm in a pretty happy, healthy relationship myself.) I'm sure there will be a mélange of relationship topics, but mostly I envision that this with be a loose collection of my recollections of the discussions that I've had with both the women and men in my life, regarding life and love...and maybe a few of my own musings, as well. But one thing is clear, as I continue to have discussions, debates, and some times bitch sessions with both men and women who are in great relationships, bad relationships and no relationships, I have come to realise that there definitely is something to this whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' concept. But even more specifically, I'm convinced that part of the disconnect that I often find myself talking about is related to the fact that most women's minds function at a higher frequency that our male counterparts.
Does "higher frequency" equal higher intelligence? I suppose it could ( I'll leave that to you to decide), but what I mean by higher frequency, is that we "hear" things in men's words and actions that often aren't easily recognisable for them. Moreover, we women communicate openly with each other, in the presence of the men folk, without the slightest detection. We hear Galton's whistle, so to speak. I mean Galton's whistle, as in silent whistle, more commonly referred to as a dog whistle (Yeah, I'm sure only former science geeks like myself or animal enthusiasts are asking that question)? But, yeah. Think about it, dog whistles operate at a frequency too high for we humans to hear, while our furry four legged friends not only hear them, but can be hurt by them, and ultimately trained with them. So, imagine while we humans are hanging out in the local park, soaking up the sun, enjoying the last of the remnants of summer, the ridiculously cute Pomeranian to your left is being completely annoyed, if not tortured, by its owner with that damn whistle.
So it seems to me that most men have a Galton's whistle shoved down their throats, and unknowingly blow that danm thing every time they open their mouths, wreaking havoc in the heads and hearts of womankind around the globe...and we even take a crack at it every now and again for a bit of convert communication with our fellow women folk.
So enough explanation. Hopefully, my thoughts will become more succinct as this thing evolves. Up next, the number one rule that all men should remember about us women!